Monday, September 10, 2012

5K Foam Run

So I've been training (uhh umm)....well actually...I can't really say that I've trained for this.  I was kinda worried that I wouldn't be able to finish this obstacle run.  I was excited and dreading it all at the same time.  I've pumped myself up and really wanted to build up my endurance but gosh darn it I was so lazy lol...  So when the day finally came and we were all there, my nerves went away and I push myself to finish.  The end results was amazing.  It was so much fun going through all the obstacles and finishing it with great company.  Team Five Loco you guys rock! I definitely gotta do it again!!! 

 Before and After
Photographer: Minh Nguyen

 My favorite picture: Ertha is so tiny

 Sliding to the finish line...woot woot!


 Photographer: Quang Phan (I think)

photographer: unknown

Farewell mighty obstacle run...'til we meet again

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